Quality of Work Life of Personnel in Chatuchak District, Bangkhen District and Ladprao District Offices
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This research study was conducted with the following objectives: 1) to examine quality of work life of personnel in Chatuchak, Bangkhen, and Ladprao District Offices; 2) to make a comparison of quality of work life among the personnel in Chatuchak, Bangkhen, and Ladprao District Offices according to variables based on their individual and work factors; 3) to make an overall comparison of quality of life Chatuchak, Bangkhen, and Ladprao District Offices. The theoretical framework of quality work life study was employed to determine the variables concerning individual and work factors as well as environmental and social factors that contribute to successful task completion, fulfill individual requirements and indicate satisfaction towards their work. Chatuchak, Bangkhen and Ladprao District Offices were selected as physical locations of this case study research. Stratified sampling was employed to derive 352 personnel (including officers, permanent employees, and contract employees) from Chatuchak, Bangkhen, and Ladprao District Offices who gave responses to questionnaire inquiries in order to collect quantitative data. Then the data obtained were analysed in form of frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation using Independent T-Test and One-Way Analysis of Variance.
Results of the study indicated that 1) the level of overall quality of work life of the personnel in Chatuchak, Bangkhen, and Ladprao District Offices appeared to be high; 2) the following individual variables including age, marital status, education, work experience, monthly income, work status, and department were found to account for the level of quality of work life of the personnel in Chatuchak, Bangkhen, and Ladprao District Offices with statistical significance value of .05; 3) the variables relating to work aspects due to different job descriptions and executive leadership appeared to account for the level of quality of work life of the personnel in Chatuchak, Bangkhen, and Ladprao District Offices statistical significance value of .05; and 4) personnel working in different district offices appeared to have different levels of quality of work life with statistical significance value of .05.
Keywords: Quality of Working Life, Personnel, District Offices
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