"Neptune" An Analysis of the Music of the Stars.

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Pannaruj Anancharuspat


      This article aimed to focus on the analysis of musical compositions. The Planets Op. 32 in the 7th movement, named “Neptune, The Mystic”, the work of Gustav Holst which is a famous poem and is widely popular. It presents critical analysis in various aspects, including biography, history and musical forms. As well as composing techniques in various dimensions based on western musical styles combined with 20th century music composition such as melody, rhythm, harmony and overview of this composition.
      Neptune, the Mystic is the final movement of The Planets Opus 32 which are named with the names of the planets in the solar system using the concept of astrology. This movement describes the characters of Neptune or the God Poseidon who is the god of the seas and oceans according to Greek-Roman mythology, and is performed with a large orchestra.
      The musical form of Neptune, the Mystic is divided into 4 parts: A, B, C and Coda. It uses only the motive and the two chords, Em and G#m in time signature 5/4. The interesting thing in this movement is the softness level of music throughout the performance, and a woman's voice without lyrics at the end. There is also a group of choirs to embrace the melody that gradually fades out until it is completely quiet at the end of the movement. This makes the mysterious atmosphere and makes it different from other movement

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How to Cite
Anancharuspat, P. (2023). "Neptune" An Analysis of the Music of the Stars. Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 10(1), 1–14. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hssnsru/article/view/263119
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