Pahonyothin Road and the economic history of Nakhon Sawan

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Natthira Karnjanasin
Pim-u-ma Thanthanakul


This academic article describes the economic history of Nakhon Sawan. Using a qualitative methodology based on historical methods. It was found that Nakhon Sawan has an important strategy to be the transportation hub in the lower northern and upper central regions. This makes Nakhon Sawan have relatively high economic prosperity as the "Gateway to the North." Historically, transportation in Nakhon Sawan relied mainly on waterways due to its geographical location as the source of the Ping and Nan rivers at Pak Nam Pho. This made Nakhon Sawan a significant supplier of agricultural products, particularly rice, and teak, from the northern region to Bangkok. The construction of the railway further enhanced Nakhon Sawan's economic opportunities, facilitating more convenient and faster movement of goods and people. The subsequent construction of Pahonyothin Road played a vital role as well. These developments led to the expansion of Nakhon Sawan's economy into other manufacturing sectors, shifting it from primarily relying on agricultural production to a more diversified economy that encompasses agriculture, industry, and tourism. The strategic location, well-developed transportation infrastructure, fertile land, and historical significance of Nakhon Sawan all contribute to its economic development


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How to Cite
Karnjanasin, N., & Thanthanakul, P.- u- ma. (2023). Pahonyothin Road and the economic history of Nakhon Sawan. Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 10(2), 91–103. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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