The solutions to unemployment of Thai music graduates: Educational administration phenomenology

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Panisara Phueakhaew



            The objective of this research is to explore possible solutions to unemployment of Thai music graduates from various stakeholders’ perspectives. This research is conducted by means of qualitative approach, based on the principle of phenomenological study, and interviews of twelve Thai graduates who experienced unemployment. Five stakeholders who are related to this problem were invited to mutually advise and provide solutions. This process was accomplished in a focus group discussion. The findings and solutions proposed by the stakeholders can be classified into three level demonstrated as follows; (1) social level; create social trend directed towards Thai music (2) curriculum level; improve and develop curriculum management to be effective and (3) personal level; the graduates have to adapt themselves. In the development of Thai music education management, the researcher proposes that the government should establish policies and plans for the implementation of Thai music education  that  give  concrete  priority  and invest more in Thai music education, the curriculum should be in line with  the needs of the society with the ten  characteristics  of  desirable graduates, learning   processes should  be  focused  on  personnel  management  and  providing information services that support understanding of the students' careers, and evaluation should be conducted regularly and systematically according to the curriculum's identity and operation.

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How to Cite
Phueakhaew, P. (2019). The solutions to unemployment of Thai music graduates: Educational administration phenomenology. วารสารรามคำแหง ฉบับมนุษยศาสตร์, 38(1), 159–178. สืบค้น จาก