The Monitoring and Evaluating the Achievement of the Implementation of the Planning Project Develop Housing and Preventive Plans to Solve Slum Problems in the Year 2016 Northern Provincial Cluster: Case Study Mae Hong Son Province, Tak Province and Phetchabun Province
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This research objective for 1) Monitoring and evaluate the achievements of the housing development plan project and the National Housing Authority's National Housing Authority to prevent/resolve slum problems by application CIPP Model; 2) Study and analyze problems, obstacles, and factors leading to success and unsuccessful that occurred in each process of the project implementation of the housing development plan and the prevention plan/solving the problem of slum communities; 3) Study review and improve strategies, tactics, plans/projects the activities of the project to prepare housing development plans and plans to prevent/solve slums problems in the targeted areas can respond to the current housing situation; 4)Defining the role of the National Housing Authority and related parties, both the government sector public and private sectors in jointly drive the community housing development process and cities in the target area.
Sample /Informant consists of 2 parts as follows:
1. The sample group who participated in the process of the housing development plan and the prevention/remedial plan for slum communities included 1)Executives, Employment Audit Committee National Housing Authority Working Group, and practitioners amount 51 cased by a Purposive Sampling method, 2) Project operators, Educational institutions, or Organizations or Agencies that operate the project amount 13 cased by a Purposive Sampling method, and 3) People who have participated in the process and various project activities amount 21 cased by a Purposive Sampling method.
2. People who are involved in the target area included 1) Board of Directors Provincial Housing Policy Committee Project Working Group amount 34 cased by a Purposive Sampling method, 2) Representative of the Provincial Social Development and Human Security Agency Public Works and Provincial Planning Local Government Organization amount 28 cased by a Purposive Sampling method, 3)Public sector representative community network community organization amount 28 cased by a Purposive Sampling method, and 4) Private sector representative amount 564 cased by a Multi–Stage Random Sampling method.
The tools used for data collection include: amount 1 questionnaire had a confidence value equal to 0.96 amount 1 interview form had a confidence value equal to 0.94 and group discussion had a confidence value equal to 0.98 and data analysis, namely i) Step 1 analyze relevant documents and visit the site used for descriptive analysis and content analysis it relies on analytical and comparative logic in tabular and illustrative form, ii) Step 2 and Step 3 take data from step 1 descriptive analysis and content analysis it relies on analytical and comparative logic in tabular and illustrative form, and iii) Step 4 proceeds to collect data from step 1 to step 3 The findings were synthesized in order to draw conclusions about the role of the National Housing Authority and Parties involved in the housing development process.
The results of the research found that 1)monitoring and evaluating the achievements of the housing development plan project and the National Housing Authority's slum community prevention/solution plan in the three target areas including Mae Hong Son Province, Tak Province, and Phetchabun Province, namely 1.1) preparation of housing development plans and plans to prevent and solve slum problems can respond the objective have operational guidelines and the expected results of the project as specified, 1.2) Processes and activities for the preparation of housing development plans and plans to prevent/solve slums problems the whole process is involved building capacity in housing in the preparation of housing development plans establishing clear pilot projects leading to building capacity building and piloting activities with concrete results, 1.3) The results and impacts are in line with the project goals, 1.4) Integration of plans/projects into strategic policies work plans/projects to develop areas at the level of provincial groups, provinces, and local administrative organizations, and 1.5) The capacity of the housing plan and the slum prevention/solution plan of the parties involved in the process, project capacity building activities, participation in various process activities and project capacity building activities, and participation in various process activities. Until having the potential to create a housing plan and a plan to prevent/solve slums problems through all assessment criteria; 2) The results of the study analyze the problem Obstacles and factors leading to success and unsuccessful that happened It was found that there were problems and obstacles related to the change of people involved in the planning process. The factors that lead to success are the cooperation of agencies that play a role in implementing the plan at the local level learning and understanding of urban development integration that will be able to solve various problems the unsuccessful factors are understanding the concept of urban housing development plans which is about designing and managing cities in an integrated way and connecting them with development strategies and linking plans to develop strategies at different levels; 3) Study review and improve strategies, tactics, plans/projects the activities of the housing development plan, and the prevention/solution plan for slum communities were found strategies, tactics, work plans/projects, activities of the housing development plan and slum prevention/solution plans are reviewed and improved of the area in accordance with the situation, and policies and strategies of the area development appropriately; 4) Defining the role of the National Housing Authority and related parties both the government sector private and public sectors found that the role in the development of urban housing is link cooperation raise awareness support and strengthen capacity to develop partners and stakeholders to have potential competency to drive urban housing development academic support and coordinate me with the source of funds as for the roles in preventing and solving problems in slum communities they are mentor, advise, mobilize, participate strengthen push for initiative, and support funding for development.
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