Food Security Model for Households by Environmental Education Process in Pong Riverside Communiyies, Khonkaen Province
Food Security, Food Security Model for Households, Environmental Education Process Pong Riverside CommunitiesAbstract
The economic growth had impacts the environment therefore the households lacked the food stability. This research aimed to study the learning needs on the creation of food security for households in Phong riverside communities, Nam Phong district, KhonKaen province, develop food security model for households by environmental education process, and evaluate the appropriate of developed model. This study was a research and development. The research areas were the Pong riverside communities namely 8 sub-districts, 38 villages. The sample of this study was 350 respondents who were the representatives of households, 12 knowers, 5 experts. The data were gathered by questionnaire, group discussions and evaluation form. The data were analyzed by percentage, Item-Objective Congruence (IOC), and content analysis. The research findings were as follows: the representatives of households wanted to learning needs for creation of food security at a high level (69.07 percent). The highest need was the sustainable food self-reliant (76.60 percent), and the adequate food (70.20 percent). The food security model for households by environmental education process was the providing concepts of members for each households had a body of knowledge on the safe food, adequacy and self-reliant friendly with environment through the principles of (1) transferring body of knowledge for more potential of food production based on organic farm (2) planning households development to product and consume safe food and friendly with environment (3) connecting networks of the cooperation between households and communities (4) collaborating to keep, mitigate natural resource and environment to be safety for food production (5) use the appropriate technology and innovation with emphasized on green market to access food, having targets, creating knowledge, awareness and accurate practices in order to food self-reliant of their households. The evaluation results of model by the experts found that the model had appropriate all of items (IOC = 0.60-1.00) and could be practical.
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