
  • ณัฐพงศ์ เสถียรไชยกิจ สาขาวิชาจีน และอาเซียนในระบบเศรษฐกิจโลก วิทยาลัยนวัตกรรมสังคม มหาวิทยาลัยรังสิต


Factor In Deciding, Purchase Health Foods


To study the factor in deciding to purchase health foods in Phayathai-Ratchathewi province. The purposes of the research are to study and compare the factors in customer’s healthy foods buying decision in Phayathai and Ratchathewi district by personal characteristics using quantitative research method. The data collected by survey research method with the questionnaire from 230 people around the area. Data were analyzed by Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, T and F Test and Schaffer’s. In F Test found the statistical significance differences at .05 levels. The most of people who did the questionnaire are female amount 187 (65.38 percentages), 61 people are during 41 – 45 years of age (21.33 percentages), 107 people get income 10,001 – 15,000 baht per month (37.41percentages), 73 people are offices’ employee (25.52 percentage), 133 people graduated Bachelor degree (46.50percentages).The all factors in customer’s healthy foods buying decision in Phayathai and Ratchathewi district had at high level. We can divide by the factors as follow: The first is product had at high level. The second is the channel to the consumers had at high level. The third is cost had at high level. The last is marketing support had at middle level.

The test of the suppose were found that customer who have different gender, income and occupation have influenced toward customer’s healthy foods buying decisions in Phayathai and Ratchathewi dictrics. The differences are showed the mean stratify at the .05 level. The career civil servants and private companies cannot buy healthy food in a limited time because they have to rush to work. On the other hand, business owner, students and housewives have time to buy healthy food. Or prepare healthy meals at home or work with a professional than above. Yaowana said that the customer’s factors that have different age and graduated have not influenced toward customer’s healthy foods buying decisions in Phayathai and Ratchathewi dictrict.

For Advise, consumers should be aware the benefits of eating healthy. Materials for cooking to avoid toxins that causes health. And consumers should cook their own food, it is better to buy the restaurant. The government and private sector should promote health food consumption to promote good health and reduce consumption of animals, thereby helping to support agricultural sector.


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