The Process of Life’s Insurance on the Five Precepts in Lampang Province


  • สมจันทร์ ศรีปรัชยานนท์ สาขาวิชาพระพุทธศาสนา วิทยาลัยสงฆ์นครลำปาง มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย


Life’s Insurance, Five Precept, Process


The purposes of this research are: 1) To study the Buddhist Insurance’s Creation 2) To study the Process of Buddhist Insurance on Five Precept in Lampang Province and 3) To Analyze the Buddhist Insurance’s Form in Lampang Province. This Research is used the quantitative and qualitative Method. The sampling researching are the leaders, organizations and local government in the city of Lampang Province by using 500 populations of sampling and interview the people and organizations who are involved for analyzing the process and Buddhist’s insurance form

The result of study is found that:

According to Buddhism, life’s insurance means the aim of a stable life and health benefits to their existence life as referring to be endowed with energy, to be endowed with vigilance for protection, association with good people and leading a balanced life and ssecurity that be happened in the next life as consisting of right understanding, observing the five precepts, to be sacrificed and using the wisdom to consider the right way to liberate the defilement.

As the process of life’s Insurance on the five precepts in Lampang Province; it can be found that; the factors should be created the life’s insurance as: 1) Individual: 1) giving the knowledge, making right understanding and cultivating mind 2) Family: Adult as grandfather, grandmother and parents should perform as the model to children, training the children’s mind to be good conduct 3) Society: respect and conduct on the social rules that can be the root of social culture and tradition in community 4) Media: giving the correctly information to individual and community, making the peace in society and to be easy for governing of leader 5) Organization: local governments and involved organizations should support the activities, advertising and making the activity’s form for cultivating social mind that can be the enhancing the culture and tradition in society. However, this study can be analyzed the five precepts to the patterns based on life’s insurance as: 1) to abstain from killing as to be ensured individual, other one and enhancing the morality and ethic 2) to abstain from stealing as to be ensured assets, the economic impact to families, communities and nations, 3) to abstain from sexual misconduct as to be ensured to the partner and living in community 4) to abstain from lying as to be ensured the existence of social life, to make a tidy living in society and 5) to abstain from intoxicating drinks as to be ensured the intellectual life and to be contributed to local culture. So, life’s insurance in Buddhism is the stable security of human for living in the present day and to be secured to life in the Process foreground until the end of defilement.



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