Factors Affecting the Decision Making in Purchasing Drinking Water Production Systems for Community of Sub District Administration Organization in the Northeast of Thailand


  • Ladda Vatjanasaregagul Department of Management Science SukhothaiThammathirat Open University


Purchasing decision, Drinking water production systems, Subdistrict administration organization


       The purposes of this research were: (1) to study important level of factors affecting purchasing decision to drinking water production systems for community of subdistrict administration organization in the northeast of Thailand; (2) to investigate purchasing decisive behavior to drinking water production systems for community of subdistrict administration organization in the northeast of Thailand; and (3) to analyze major factors and marketing mix factors affecting purchasing decision to drinking water production systems for community of subdistrict administration organization in northeast of Thailand.

          The population was subdistrict administration organization in the northeast of Thailand. Sampling was done among 388 samples by quota sampling. A questionnaire was used as research tool with reliability coefficient as 0.936. Data collected were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation, correlation and multiple linear regression analysis.

The results were as follow : (1) importance level of organizational factors as objective policy procedure organizational structure, product, price, place and promotion affecting purchasing decision to drinking water production systems for community were at the high level; (2) most of subdistrict administration organization purchase drinking water production systems in January to March, price was 50,001 to 100,000 baht, initiator and influencer of purchasing decision was chief executive of subdistrict administration organization; and (3) organizational factor was the most influence on importance level of product specification whereas product factor was the most influence on importance level of general need description.


กระทรวงพาณิชย์ การจัดซื้อน้ำดื่มประจำปีงบประมาณ 2561

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