The Standard format of Bilateral Education teaching and learning system, according to the needs of the stakeholders for DVE teaching & learning system which belongs to Office of The Vocational Education Commission


  • Pattararin Sirirat


Format, Bilateral, Office of The Vocational Education Commission


         The purposes of this study were: 1) to evaluate the Dual Vocational Education (DVE) standard of the year 2014 which belongs to Office of The Vocational Education Commission and 2) To develop the DVE standard of Vocational Education of the year 2014 which belongs to Office of The Vocational Education Commission. The research population consists of 414 administrators, 414 teachers, parents of students for 113,729. Students for 113,729 as well as 414 establishments all mentioned populations go for 228,700. Group sample Determination of sample size, based on Taro Yamane formula, the Error was 0.05, divided by proportion of population which are as follow; 204 Administrators, 204 teachers, 400 for parents of students, 400 students and 204 establishments. all mentioned samples go for 1,412 persons. And target groups used in research, the researcher has chosen Purposive  sampling of each group in order to set the indicator criteria and guidelines for developing the Dual Vocational Education (DVE) standard of The Office of The Vocational Education Commission, which consists of;

1 Deputy Director to the Academic Section, 1 Department Head of Dual Vocational Education (DVE) of each college in Vocational Education Bangkok which belongs to The Office of The Vocational Education Commission total 11 colleges) the total target groups are 22 persons.

The tools used in the research consisted of 1) questionnaire of The Standard format of Dual Vocational Education teaching and learning system, according to the needs of the stakeholders for DVE teaching & learning system which belongs to Office of The Vocational Education Commission (set 1) And 2) Questionnaire on the standard of teaching and learning management for DVE system, according to the needs of the stakeholders for DVE teaching & learning system which belongs to Office of The Vocational Education Commission. (Set 2) The statistics used in the research consisted of 1) Basic of statistics like x̄ And standard deviation: SD  2. the statistic in order to find the quality of tools are discrimination (r), α - Coefficient, and Index of Item – Objective Congruence : IOC

Author Biography

Pattararin Sirirat

Policy and Plan Analyst Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment


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