Factors in choosing influential decision to study graduate degree programs Of Mahamakut Buddhist University all campuses


  • จิรัฐฏ์ เหมือนวิหาร


making a decision, factors, Enrollment


           The objectives of  this research were  to  (1)  study the influential Factors in choosing influential decision tostudygraduate degree programs Of Mahamakut Buddhist Universit all campuses y,  (2) to  study  the opinions  of  students  and  teachers  for making  A decision of enrollment in this study, (3) to compare the students’ and  teachers’ opinions for making a decision of enrollment selection, (4) and to study the relationship between the influential factors and the decision making factors of this enrollment  selection of the study. The Questionnaire was used to collect data from the 82 population of both the students and the teachers  for use in the study. They were selected by using purposive sampling method. The research  tools  were using a questionnaire  and the structural interview and statistics used for data analysis were percentage, Mean, standard deviation, t-test, f-test and Pearson product moment correlation coefficient at the 0.01. The findings of this research were : (1) The overall of family factors showed  the height level of guardians’ education, and the guardians’ expectation, the family economic status, and guardians’ career,  respectively. (2) The decision making for the study, was found that the  quality of education was the first , the environment, the unit expenditure and capital sources, and curriculum for the study were high ; however , the university buildings and places  and the advertisement and media were  in  medium,  respectively. (3) The comparison of the level of opinion to study of students and the teachers  as  the whole and each aspect  was not different.

(4) The relationship of the influential factors to study in the university and the decision making of the students were found that the influential factors and the enrollment  selection  of the students  were as significant  as 0.01 

Author Biography

จิรัฐฏ์ เหมือนวิหาร

Jirat Meanharn
Pacific Institute of Management Science


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