Buddhist Knowledge Management and the strength of Bowon Community A Case Study of Chaiyaphum Province


  • กัญฐณา หินเมืองเก่า


Knowledge management, Buddhist, strong


             The purposes of this research is to study is to study the relationship between socioeconomic characteristics, Buddhist body of knowledge, knowledge management for transferring Buddhist teaching and the observance of Buddhist teaching and the strength building of Bowon Community in Chaiyaphum Province It is a qualitative research using in-depth interview with samples consisting of 1)headmen. 2) A councilor or local administrators. 3) The sangha administrative officers and 4) Teachers who taught morality or religion including quantitative questionnaire to a 390 samples                 The results showed that Buddhist knowledge management Buddhist correlated with the strength of Bowon community Other findings were: 1) The persons has knowledge of Buddhist teachings from home, school and the media, 2) As to experience to pass on knowledge teachings of the Buddha. It is to transfer the Buddhist teaching, counseling, youth training and publishing of the Buddhist teaching documents. 3) As to the method of transferring knowledge in the core teachings of the Buddha, the a role model is to guide practice. Activities of the community by incorporating doctrinal Buddhist proverb in the activities of the village is also used 4) Those involved in the propagating in the teaching of the Buddha include the individuals, houses, temples and schools. 5) In the hast the Bowon community was closely-knit, now they are nest to storages to each other 6) Variables or factors that cause success or failure include home, temple, and school 7) Knowledge of the tenets of Buddhism, Buddhist proverb, and five precepts score a mean total of 4.54; approaches to ware the tenets of Buddhism by the Office of Chaiyaphum Buddhism score a mean total of 4.57, followed by the teachings of Buddhism with a mean total of 4.77.

Author Biography

กัญฐณา หินเมืองเก่า



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