The Leadership of Entertainment Entrepreneurs and Motivation in the Life of Employee


  • ธัญพร จันทร์หนู


Entrepreneurship, motivation, facility


              The purposes of this research were to study and compare the leadership of entertainment entrepreneurs and motivation in the life of employees by personal factors. The leadership of entertainment entrepreneurs affected the motivation of employees in the facility. The samples were 400 employees which working in entertainment entrepreneurs. The statistic for analysis were frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation test for the test, one-way analysis of variance, Scheffe’s test, and multiple regression by stepwise. The results of this research were as follows; The leadership of entertainment entrepreneurs were at high level, idealized influence was the first, the next were inspiration motivation, good person and virtue, and individualized consideration respectively. The motivation in the life of entertainment officers were at high level for example ; work everything for the income to feed oneself and a family, the next were seek the thing that make a mistake and seek settlement. The comparison leadership character of entertainment entrepreneurs by personal factors of employees found sex, age, education level had difference opinion in overall and each item of leadership character. The comparison motivation in the life of entertainment officers by personal factors of employees found sex, age, monthly income and association friend character were not difference the opinion. The leadership of entertainment entrepreneurs and motivation in the life of entertainment officers were relate in overall and each item at .01 statistic significant. The deteriorate multiple result; idealized influence, inspiration motivation and individualized consideration respectively can predict the motivation in the life of officers were at .01 statistic significant. The interviewing entrepreneur found entertainment entrepreneurs wants to encourage give an officer had good life torn the budget in the push develops an officer. The interviewing officers found the officer in the entertainment want to have the income treats a family, want to alive the improve, and want to have the business is belong to oneself.

Author Biography

ธัญพร จันทร์หนู



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