The management which affects work efficiency of the Special Case officers and Special Case inquiry officers in the Department of Special Investigation (DSI)


  • สิริณภัทฒ์ เกตุสุวรรณ


Entrepreneurship, motivation, facility


           The study of the management which affects work efficiency of DSI Officers, DSI has 3 objectives: 1. To study main work efficiency of DSI officers, 2. To study factors which affect the development of work efficiency of DSI officers, 3. To study guidelines to develop work efficiency of DSI officers. The result of the research is: The results of quantitative information analysis are as below: Section 1 the ratio of male/female who responded is pretty close, age between 46-50 years old, then people younger than 40 years old. The majority has Bachelor’s degree and average income less than 30,000/month. The second group has average income 50,001-70,000/month most of them work as DSI officers rather than investigation officer, and most of them has work experience between 4-6 years, and 1-3 years. Section 2. The level of knowing the management in DSI to develop work efficiency of DSI officers is high, and knowing of budget management, administration and personnel are high. Section 3. The level of opinion towards work efficiency of DSI officers in general is high, for example in giving ultimate good service, in professional expertise, adhering to rightness/fairness and working in team. Section 4. Individual factors affect the main work efficiency of DSI officers. It is found that the difference of gender, age give direct effect to the main work efficiency of DSI officers. Education, average monthly income, work level and work experience has effects to DSI officers. The analysis of the management in developing work efficiency of DSI officers shows the strategy set up, administration, personnel and budget has the relation with work efficiency of DSI officers at the level 0.01 = 0.387 budget + 0.369 administration + 0.214 Personnel. The result of information analysis shows that the management has been planned well in terms of budgeting to support strategy of developing main work efficiency of DSI officers. The management has achieved the goal and has set the proper strategies : 1. Policy and strategy to achieve concrete results, 2. Developing vision and leadership for high level executives, 3. Personnel Management, 4. Organization developing for Human Resources, 5. Setting up learning centre, 6. Providing modern equipment, 7. Budgeting to support projects .


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