Factors Relating to Stress at Work of Flight Attendants


  • อภิพงษ์ บุญเก่า


Factors, Relating, Work of Flight


         The purposes of this research are: 1) to study the personality, environmental perception level, quality of life at work and stress level of flight attendants during their duty; 2) to carry out comparative study on stress level at work of flight attendants during the discharge of their duty in accordance with such individual factors as gender, age, marital status, length of service, level of education and income; 3) to study the relationship of personality and stress level at work of flight attendants during their duty; 4) to study the relationship of environmental perception and stress level at work of flight attendants; 5) to study the relationship between quality of working life and stress level at work of flight attendants.
         The sample of this research consisted of total 397 flight attendants from Nok Air, Bangkok Airways and Thai Airways International. The tool of this study was the questionnaire which is divided into five parts. Each part has a reliability level at 0.890, 0.960, 0.929 and 0.945 respectively. The questionnaires have been analyzed by statistical package program using mean, average, standard deviation t-test, F-test, (Least Significance Difference), Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient and statistical significant was specified at .05.
          It was found from the study that;
          1. Most of flight attendants had an emotionality stable personality while their environment perception and quality of working life were on the average. Stress at work was found at a low level.
          2. Flight attendants with various individual factors with different gender, age, marital status, length of service, level of education and income were found not to be different in their stress level.
          3. There was no relationship between personality, environmental perception, quality of working life and stress at work of flight attendants.

Author Biography

อภิพงษ์ บุญเก่า



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