Characteristics of Graduates Business Administration in 21st Century


  • Jittima Janthangard Doctor of Philosophy, The field of educational administration, College of Management University of Phayao
  • Achara Whattananarong Doctor of Philosophy, The field of educational administration, College of Management University of Phayao
  • Nara Somprasonk Doctor of Philosophy, The field of educational administration, College of Management University of Phayao
  • Rachan Boonthima Doctor of Philosophy, The field of educational administration, College of Management University of Phayao


Characteristics of graduates, Business Administration, 21st Century


         There are lots of changes of the modern world in21st century. Thailand stepped into the economy, which is driven by innovation.Focus on investment in human resources. Educational institutionis a key mechanism for producing graduates to meet the expectations of society and the labor market. The field of business administration recognizes the importance of graduate characteristics and expects the graduates to possess the qualifications and attributes of being a businessman, entrepreneur as well as a practitioner in the business and industry. This affects the economy and the country. From study of characteristics of desirablegraduates in the  21st century, characteristics of graduates of Faculty/Department of Business Administration which is set up in higher education institutions both in country and abroad include characteristics of business administration graduates according to the needs of enterprises.Characteristics of the requiredbusiness administration graduates in the 21st century are characterized of communication, problem solving,  teamwork, moral and ethics, infomation technology, creativity, business administration knowledge, leadership, decision-making, self-learning, esponsibility, entrepreneurship, management and self-learning. These characteristics of graduates are a role, duties and challenges in development of student characteristics as desirable graduates, can live, self-improvement and professional development in business administration amid fierce competition and the changing world of the 21st century effectively.


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