Advertising Media and Purchasing Behavior of Consumer in Trade Exhibition


  • เอนก พันธุรัตน์ อาจารย์วิทยาลัยนครราชสีมา
  • สุลีมาศ คำมุง อาจารย์ประจำคณะวิทยาการจัดการสถาบันวิทยาการจัดการแห่งแปซิฟิค


Advertising Media, Purchasing Behavior of Consumer in Trade Exhibition


         This research is focused on the study of the importance of advertisement media and compare the behavior on buying goods at the Trade Exhibition,. Sampling groups used in this study are 385 consumers at Impact Muang Thong Thani Exhibition Center by using Questionnaires as the instruments in gathering data with IOC .89 and validity coefficient .91. Analysis statistics are frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, One-Way ANOVA and Multiple Regression Analysis by Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). It is found, as a result of the study, 
          that Majority of the consumers were of female sex aged between 21 and 30 years; under single status; engaged in the occupation of being employees of private companies with monthly income of lower than or tantamount to 10,000 Baht. The advertisement in the overalls and by the aspect in all aspects is in high level except on the aspect of the advertisements via radio broadcasting and online medias is in moderate level and in respect of the behavior on the visit to Trade Exhibition and the buying goods at Trade Exhibition, it is found that, the consumers spent money for buying goods at the Trade Exhibition per time at the maximum of 10,000 Baht and at the maximum of 200 Baht. During the period of 3 months, the maximum period of time for visiting to the trade exhibition by consumers paying visits most is 9 hours and the minimum visiting time is 1 hour. Goods which consumers preferring to see and buy most at the Trade Exhibition are computers/cameras/ telephones. Consumers travel to visit Trade Exhibition and buy goods at the Trade Exhibition with friends most. The hours on which consumers traveling to visit the Trade Exhibition and buy goods at the Trade Exhibition most is 1610 hours, etc. The most important reason for consumers to buy goods at the Trade Exhibition is the diversity of goods. It is found, as a result of hypothetical test, that consumers with the differences in sex, age, status, occupation, educational level and income per month possess the behavior on the visit to the Trade Exhibition and the buying goods at the Trade Exhibition on the aspect of spending money in buying goods at the Trade Exhibition per time differently with implicitly statistical significance at the level of .01. Consumers with the difference in age, occupation possess the behavior on the visit to the Trade Exhibition and the buying goods at the Trade Exhibition on the aspect of the number of times in visiting the Trade Exhibition during the period of 3 months and on the aspect of the period of time (in hours) differently with implicitly statistical significance at the level of .01 and consumers with the difference in educational level possess the behavior on the visit to the Trade Exhibition and the buying goods at the Trade Exhibition on the aspect of the period of time (in hours) in visiting the Trade Exhibition and selecting to buy goods at the Trade Exhibition differently with implicitly statistical significance at the level of .01 and .05.


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