Images Creative Strategies of Thai Airways International (Public) Company Limited


  • กัลย์รญาณ์ ศรีภิรมย์ นักศึกษาบริหารธุรกิจดุษฎีบัณฑิต มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธานี


Images Creative Strategies, Thai Airways International(Public) Company Limited


            This research were quantitative and qualitative research, aim to evaluate significant level of passenger decision service user behavior and factors toward images creative strategies relationship between passenger decision service user behavior and factors toward images creative strategies and images creative strategies of Thai Airways International Public Company Limited, by accidental sampling 400 respondents from 1,445,464 passengers. Questionnaire was the tool to collecting data with confidence level at .85. The analysis was conducted by computer software, statistical treatments by program computer namely: frequency, percentage, means, standard deviation, ranking, Pearson Correlation, and Multiple Regression at statistical level .05, the research analyzed found that. 
            1. The majority of respondents were male 313 respondents (78.3 %), their age between 36 – 45 year old 152 respondents (38.0%), education attain bachelor degree 270 respondents (67.5%), occupation business owner 119 respondents (29.8%) average income per month 25,001 – 30,000 216 respondents (54.0%).. 
            2. Finding indicated that overall and every area of passenger decision service user behavior were at very high level, however raking by mean first were frequency of user last 6 months area (x̄= 4.54), money payment (x̄= 4.51), selecting service user area (x̄= 5.50), and decision service user area (x̄= 4.39) respectively 
            3. Finding indicated that over all area of Thai Airways International Public Company Limited’s factors toward images creative strategies were at very high level, However the raking by meant firstly were safety area (x̄=4.65), social responsibility area ( x̄ =4.50), brand area (X= 4.40),consistently area (x̄=4.39)were at very high level, but product area (x̄= 4.15), public relation area ( x̄ = 4.08),good relation with customers area (x̄= 4.05), service quality area ( x̄ =4.02),and innovation and creative area (x̄=3.81) were at high level respectively. 
            4. Hypothesis tested finding indicated that There were at high relationship level at significant level .05 between passenger behavior of decision making service user and business operation effectiveness of Thai Airways International Public Company Limited. But There were at moderate relationship interim of money payment area, were frequency of user last 6 months area , and selecting user area. 
            5. Images Creative Strategies of Thai Airways International Public Company Limited =3.643 + 9.873 safety area + 7.955 innovation and creative area + 7.852 product area + 7.661 public relation area + 7.354 brand area +6.873 service quality area + 6.604 social responsibility area  


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