The Acceptance of Leadership Behaviors among Woman Officers in the Royal Thai Army Force Headquarters


  • กวินนา มาอินราช หลักสูตรปรัชญาดุษฎีบัณฑิต สาขาการบริหารการพัฒนาทรัพยากรมนุษย์ มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธานี


The Acceptance, Behaviors, Leadership


          This study aims to; 1) study the internal factors of personnel (inferior) and leadership behaviors (commissioner) for the female soldier administration of Thai Army Headquarter. 2) study the correlation of internally personal factors (inferior) and leadership behavior (commissioner) on acceptance of administration role of female soldier in Thai Army. The scope of the study is focused on human resource theory and qualita¬tive and quantitative research methods. 
          The data was collected by indebt-interview and questionnaire from 369 officers in Thai Army Department. 
          The result of the study ;1) To study the internally personal factor (Inferior) and leadership behavior (Commissioner) for the administration of female soldier in Thai Army headquarter result that most of sample answer 5 level on internally personal factor (Inferior), next in the lower range is leadership behavior (Commissioner). From each factor consideration, the attitude of the commissioner’s leadership behavior on helping and speaking skill especially association in personal life and working including concern with living of inferior are charming, empower, respectable and sincere characteristic of the commissioner. 
          2) To identify the correlation between internally personal factor (Inferior) and leadership behavior (Commissioner) on acceptance the role of command about leader’s administration behavior of female soldier in Thai Army Headquarter result that internally personal factor (Inferior) statistical significantly accept the leadership behavior of commissioner on the role of administration at .01 and the hypothesis are statistical significantly accepted at .01 because all variable are close to one on the analysis.  


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