The Developing of Servant Leadership in the Management of Modern retail Business in Nonthaburi


  • กันยาวีร์ เมฆีวราพันธุ์ อาจารย์ประจำสาขาการจัดการทั่วไป มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลสุวรรณภูมิ


development, servant leadership, management, modern retail business


             The purpose of this research was to study 1) studies the servant leadership. Management Development and performance management, 2) to study the relationships that have developed guidelines servant leadership in the management of modern retail business. Nonthaburi 3) to study the development of servant leadership in the management of modern retail business. Nonthaburi This research combines traditional quantitative research. (Quantitative research) and research (Qualitative research) are used to store data from a sample survey include employees who work in the modern retail business. The jobs of 400 people, and interview managers in the modern retail business. In Nonthaburi province, 10 people were analyzed by the computer program is finished. Descriptive statistics (Descriptive Statistics) Detailed analysis of the independent variables. Variable insertion variant that is associated assumptions are based on the research. Path analysis by analyzing the correlation, Pearson (Pearson correlation) Exploratory Factor Analysis. 
           The research aimed to find one that servant leadership has a greater extent. To listen to the others Minor performance management reviews the level of the state administration. And the development, management reviews the level of moderately learned. The research found that the 2nd servant leadership is associated with the development, manage¬ment. Servant leadership is related to the performance of the administration. And the development of a more efficient management of statistical significance. 01. 
          The research objective 3 found elements confirmed to the development of leadership servant in the administration of the modern retail business in Nonthaburi province, consisting of: 1) a commitment to personal development, 2) having common sense. 3) building a community, 4), the responsible 5) creating a paradigm 6) to listen to others 7) the realization 8) the forward-looking shot. 9) the persuasive 10) the healing process. 
          Qualitative data obtained from the interviews is to support quantitative data.


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