Some factors leading the strength the community to understand of combined set of medicine in Bangkok


  • ยศนันต์ กอบพึ่งตน นักศึกษาปริญญาเอก สาขารัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธานี
  • นิเทศ ตินณะกุล อาจารย์ที่ปรึกษา สาขารัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธานี


the strength the community, Crime Suppression Division, combined set of medicine


          The research on the topics of “Some factors leading the strength the community to understand of combined set of medicine” has objective of 1. Studying society, cultural and economic aspects of communities in Bangkok 2. Studying policy and activity of public health toward strength of community toward understating the ways to use combined set of medicine 3. Studying the factors that effected to understanding the ways to use combined set of medicine and develop communities’ strength toward activities of public health 4. Preparing strategy to implement strengthening of understanding the ways to use combined set of medicine by using Mixed Methodology survey comprised of Qualitative Research through depth interview of sample size who are community leader and senior person of communities about strengthening the understanding the ways to use combined set of medicine 40 persons and Quantitative Research by Survey Research by using questionnaire from 400 sample size. It also combined with secondary research of basic statistics such as mean, standard deviation, inference statistics, ANOVA and Chi-square test.
          The results of quantitative research of 400 person found that most of respondent is male aged between 36-45 years and 46-55 years. Most of them are undergraduate or higher who has salary 30,001 – 40,000 baht or more than 40,000 baht. Most of them are married and have 4-6 house members. By analysis of hypothesis found that sex, age, education, salary and status of marry and number of household member has effect to the understanding the ways to use combined set of medicine which has significant at 0.05 level and all aspect of indicator of factor toward strengthening of the understanding the ways to use combined set of medicine are significance and all effect to the understanding.
          The result of qualitative 40 persons, most of them are male aged between 36-45 years old, education is undergraduate or more, salary between 30,001 – 40,000 baht and more than 40,000 baht and have married status and most of them has 4-6 member household. From the analysis found that sample size has known well about combined set of medicine and also used to consume but not continued to consume now. Most of them buy at drug store because drugstore has god knowledge of medicine and news about health and they are well received from government and all units of public health. The information received in drugstore are widespread to communities well and effectively in communities because government unit and public health unit has set up seminars for representative of communities and people in communities has accept the representative of communities to lead them about public health. As a result of cultural, it effects to people in communities to be cooperate to strengthening the understanding the use of combined set of medicine.  


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