The Factors Effecting the Success of Community Business Water-Orchid Weaving in Ban San Pa Muong, Muang District, Phayao Province
TheFactors Effecting the Success, Community Business WaterOrchid WeavingAbstract
The study on the factors affecting the success of is to study the factors affecting the success of the group of Community Business Water-Orchid Weaving in Ban San Pa Muong, Muang District, Phayao Province. Affects financial, production, marketing and management success. This study collected data using the entire population interview method. Is a member of the hyacinth wickerwork business group Purple Ridge House 56 people in Phayao district, Phayao province.
Financial factors found that the members of Community Business Water-Orchid Weaving in Ban San Pa Muong . Will be the capital planner itself. The water hyacinth business plans to use the capital to buy raw materials. Buy products from members. Pay as administrative expenses. Another reserve fund is planned. To use in case the member needs money in advance and has to order large quantities of products. It has raised funds from members of the business group by agreeing to collect money, stocks and savings. Some businesses are available. But some businesses do not provide the lead. To use and to distribute to the members at the end of the year, members will be encouraged to cooperate in the operation, resulting in business success.
Marketing factors have found a wide variety of products to choose from. Developed products to meet the needs of the market. The pricing is appropriate for the quality of the product. Promotion of multi-channel marketing and continuous promotion. Fast delivery of goods to service recipients. Make a product of value as the market desires. This results in a successful business.
Production factors indicated that the study of Community Business Water-Orchid Weaving in Ban San Pa Muong. products was based on local and provincial raw materials. Members of Water hyacinth wicker business group Will plan and control production. Check the quality of the product to meet the customer’s requirements. Must be ordered from the provinces, but no problem, because the seller sent a continuous delivery of a certain time. Water hyacinth wicker business group Get the product.
The management team found that the group of water hyacinth wicker business. Be a planner or operator. By looking at receiving orders from customers as criteria. The structure of the organization is determined by the position, but it is set to support the government agencies that need to structure members of the business group. But management really. Still the leader of the group. This is a more experienced person who can properly organize the audience. Meet each person’s aptitude. There is no conflict within the organization. Because members accept the leaders of the group. Because group leaders have good management principles. Do not use the command method. But how to assign a task. Have the ability to work before the assignment. As a result, the cooperation of the members. And business has been successful to this day. Keywords: The Factors Effecting the Success, Community Business Water-Orchid Weaving
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