Quality of Public Service Delivery of Municipality Typed Local Government in Leoi Province


  • สมศักดิ์ แสงเจริญรัตน์ หลักสูตรรัฐประศาสนศาสตรบัณฑิต มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธานี


quality, Public service


               The objectives of this research are: (1) to study the levels of quality development of the public management, consisting of service recipients and stakeholders, measurement, analysis and knowledge management, human resource emphasis, and process management; (2) to study the levels of good governance principles, consisting of rule of law, virtue, transparency, participation, accountability, value for money; (3) to study the levels of public service delivery, consisting of equitable service, timely service, ample service, continuous service and progressive service; (4) to study factors concerning quality development of public management and good governance affecting service delivery quality of municipality-type local governments in Loei Province; and (5) to offer model of public management which will benefit public service delivery of municipality-type in Loei Province. The population of this study are 1998 municipal officers. Out of these, and according Krejcie and Morgan, 322 sever as sample to send the questionnaires to with the help of 5 chamber of Commerce members who serve as interviewees. The test of hypotheses is carried out by Multiple Regression Analysis – MRA.
              It was found from the study that most of the respondents are females, 25-35 year of age, graduated with a bachelors degree, with a monthly income of 20,001-25,000 baht, Overall, the level of factors on service development of public management delivering services through municipality-type is at the highest level (X=4.31).  Individually, giving importance to service recipients and stakeholders is at the highest level (X=4.52) while the lowest level is strategic planning (X=3.93). As to the overall opinion on good governance principles affecting service delivery, it is at the highest level (X=4.22).Individually, virtue is at the highest level (X=4.32) while accountability is at the lowest (X=4.04). With regard to the overall quality of service delivery, it is at the highest level (X=4.22). Individually, continuous service delivery is at the highest level (X=3.44) while ample service is at the lowest (X=3.22). It is found from the analysis of the Multiple Regression Analysis that leading, strategic planning, giving importance to service recipients and stakeholders, measurement, analysis and knowledge management emphasis on human resources, management process, rule of law, virtue, transparency. Participation and value for money are the predictors of the quality of service. Overall, it was found that leading, strategic planning giving importance to service recipients and stakeholders, measurement, analysis, knowledge management, emphasis on human resources, management process, rule of law, virtue, transparency, participation, accountability and value for money, all contribute to quality of service at 0.05 significant level.


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