Development of Competitive Advantage Business Model for Crane Business in Thailand


  • ปุนภพ น้อยวัน หลักสูตรบริหารธุรกิจดุษฎีบัณฑิต มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธานี


Business Model, Development of Competitive Advantage, Crane Business


               The purpose of this research aimed to determine development of competitive advantage business model for Crane business in Thailand. To find the level of important factors and strategy in the success of crane business. To compare the basic of general personal appearance of respondents with the level of importance factors in the success of crane business. Finding the relationship between the level of importance factors in the success of crane business and the strategy to create competitive advantage of crane business. Offering a model to create a competitive advantage of crane business. The overall 385 sampling sizes were chosen and utilized the questionnaires as the study tool for this quantitative study. The descriptive and inferential statistics used for data analysis of percentage, mean, standard deviation, T-test, Pearson Correlation, One-way Anova, and least significant different. 
                Findings revealed that most of respondents were males (67%), age between 36-45 years old (40%), majority of bachelor degree graduated (57%), managerial positions (43%), work experience for a period of 6-10 years (41%), monthly income between 30,000-40,000 baht (31%), and selfemployed (52%). The overall picture of their opinions on the level of important factors in the success of crane business was in high level when considered each aspect ascost, on time delivery, and trust worthy of crane business owners. As for factors of quality of the service was in the medium level. The overall picture of their opinions on strategy in the success of development of competitive advantage of crane business in Thailand was in high level with the following reasons; differentiate strategy, and focusing on each aspect. As for low cost leader operators was in medium level. The hypothesis testing revealed that the factors of personal different as gender, age, level of education, monthly income, and work duration would affection strategy in the success of development of competitive advantage of crane business with a statistical significant 0.05 level. In addition, the overall picture of strategy of development of competitive advantage of Crane business in Thailand in relation to factors in the success of crane business was in medium level in same direction. Furthermore, crane service quality related to the level of important factors in the success of crane business was in high level in same direction. In addition, other aspects which related to factors in the success of crane business was in medium level in same direction. 
               Recommendation from this research was entrepreneurs should create brand name, build crane business alliance all around the country to save delivery costs, and prepare strategy for AEC market. 


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