The Guidelines for Sustainable Tourism Management Development of Bang Krachao Community Amphoe Phra Pradang Samutprakarn
guidelines for development, sustainable tourism, Bang krachao communityAbstract
This research aimed to study the environment, its impacts and obstacles to tourism development in Bang krachao community, Amphoe Phra pradaeng, Samutprakarn Province to purpose a guideline for sustainable tourism development. The mixed - method research was applied and the purposive selection was used to recruit 6 informants from tourism stakeholders. In the area. And 400 of Thai tourist by intensity sampling was applied for the questionnaire SWOT Analysis and TOWS Matrix were used as tools to develop guidelines for sustainable tourism development
The Guidelines for Sustainable Tourism Development Proactive development strategies include planning, development, and community-based conservation. Restore Natural resources, places, and resources outside the community. Contribute to the development of a solid community. Preventive development strategies include creating knowledge, conserving space, and transferring the knowledge, culture, and culture of the community to achieve the same understanding, changing the values of the back to work in the community. The development strategy was to develop a joint project with community leaders. Do drainage in the community. For convenience, shady, suitable for ozone attraction. Popular and sustainable tourism. Developmental strategies include creating websites to increase exposure to the media. And help conserve resources. To more tourists. The production of the people in the community. The product of the Bang Krachao community
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