Enable Factors in Community Development Achievement Based the Sufficency Economy Philosophy of Tambon Sikeaw Municipalities Mueang district Roi Et Province


  • Natthaphan Srichinda Program in Community Development Program Faculty of Social Administration Thammasat University
  • Kanchanaa Rodkaew Program in Community Development Program Faculty of Social Administration Thammasat University


Community Development, Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, Local Government Organization


          The objectives of this research were: (1) to study factors contributing to community development success according to the Sufficiency Economy philosophy of the community of Si Kae Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Roi Et Province (2) to study the level of success in Community development according to the Sufficiency Economy philosophy of the community of Si Kae Subdistrict, Mueang District, Roi Et Province By using a questionnaire to collect data from the sample group of people living in the community of Si Kaeo Subdistrict, Mueang District, Roi Et Province, number 264 people. The results can be summarized as follows :

          1) Enable factors inducing to community development achievement based on “the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy” were the external and internal factors of the community. To illustrate, the external factors comprised the support from the public sector in arranging the training courses in the principles of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, budget allocation, and marketing provision for the community products. Additionally, the internal factors consisted of people’s participation in giving money for the community development activities, exchanging experience, and building community network for activities and occupation development. The external and internal factors highly related with the achievement.

          2) Tambon Sikeaw Municipalities,  Mueang  district,  Roi Et Province achieved in implementing the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in community development practices and people in the high level. In an individual/family level, their way of life was in a Sufficiency Economy Philosophy practice without exploiting others. Family members were happy and satisfied with their current life status. Moreover, in the community level, there was a money saving group for the members’ circulating capital. There was also the money saving promotion campaign and the money saving group setting in producing the products of Tambon Sikeaw Municipalities,  Mueang  district,  Roi Et Province.

          3) According to the understandings and comprehension in the concept and principle of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, the study found that the majority of people in Tambon Sikeaw Municipalities,  Mueang  district,  Roi Et Province. comprehended the principle of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in a high level.

          4) Regarding the problems and obstacles of the community development according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, the study revealed that people in the household/family level still lacked the accurate understandings and comprehension in making the income and spending account. They had a debt problem and lacked the eagerness in searching for knowledge or innovation to apply in daily life and develop their community based on the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy. In the community level, the study showed that the support and advocate in the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy from the relevant government sector was inconsistent. There was a lack of marketing sources for the community products and a lack of budget allocation for the community development activities. The community products were not varied and lacked quality and imaging development.



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