Lived experiences of the Nursing Students on Academic Services integrated between Arts and Culture Maintaining and Maternal and Newborn Nursing and Midwifery I course, Boromarajonani College of Nursing Chon Buri


  • K. Prachasaisoradej
  • O. Duangchai
  • T. Suriyanimitsuk


lived experiences, nursing students, Academic Services


         The purpose of this research was to understand lived experiences of nursing students who practiced academic services that integrated between arts and cultural maintaining and Maternal and Newborn Nursing and Midwifery I course, Boromarajonani College of Nursing Chon Buri. The data were collected by means of participant observation, field note and focus group. Purposive sampling was used to recruit twenty nursing students from 3rd year nursing students in the academic year 2015. Data were analyzed by using thematic analysis.

        Four major themes that emerged from the data were: 1) Academic services, Thai’s Life style and wisdom develop students to become registered nurses, 2) The limited provides great experience and knowledge, 3) barrier is an experience that encourage strength and growth, and 4) encourage confidence in clinical practice. Nursing students have a positive experience to serve both themselves and clients. Nursing students perceived that they have high self-esteem and positive attitude toward nursing professional. Nursing students were proud of the local wisdom. Nursing students knew and able to apply the gain knowledge and experience in clinical practice. The students suggested that college should be design instructional courses that integrated academic services to encourage a good experience and encourage a chance to develop the 21st century learning skills and enhance student learning experiences which will be useful to the students upon graduation

Author Biographies

K. Prachasaisoradej

Boromarajonani College of Nursing Chon Buri

O. Duangchai

Duangchai, O
Boromarajonani College of Nursing Chon Buri

T. Suriyanimitsuk


Boromarajonani College of Nursing Chon Buri


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