Quality of the Public Administration of the Town Municipality of Pathum Thani Province


  • Dhanakorn Poonpinyosak The Institute of Public Administration and Governance, Shinawatra University


Quality of the public administration, Town municipality of Pathum Thani province


          This research has the objectives to 1) Study the relationship between the new public administration and the quality of the public administration of the town municipality of Pathum Thani province. 2) study the functions of town Municipality in Patumtani Province that has relationship with the official practices 3) Study the new government management that affects the quality development of public administration of the town municipality of Pathum Thani province. And 4) Study the quality of management that affects the quality development of public administration of the town municipality of Pathum Thani province. This research is a mixed methods research that combine and integrate the qualitative and quantitative methods. Population and quantitative samples are the general people who live in the service area and come in to coordinate in the municipality, a total of 428,290 people, which calculated the sample size by using Yamane method (1997) and got 400 samples. The population used as qualitative research were 9 key informants who were the executives of 9 municipalities.

                The quantitative research found that 1) New public administration in overall was at the highest level that is equal to 4.55, that the new public administration has a relationship with the quality of public administration of the town municipality of Pathum Thani province with statistical significance at 0.01, with the correlation coefficient equal to 0.269 (r = 0.269), 2) In the aspect of the duty of the municipality, it was found that the duty of the municipality in general was at the highest level of 4.45, that the duty of the municipality of the 2 variables in both public service aspect and legal authority aspect, there were no variable affects the quality development of public administration of town municipality of Pathum Thani province with statistical significance at 0.05 (R=0.087, R2=0.0077),. 3) In the aspect of new government management that affects the quality of public administration of the town municipality of Pathum Thani province, it was found that the new public administration of all 6 aspects had 4 variables that affect the quality development of public administration of the town municipality of Pathum Thani province as follows; (1) In term to enhance the efficiency of municipal asset management for maximizing the benefit. (2) In term to form the integrated municipality management system. (3) In term to promote the municipality’s administrative system in cooperation between government, private, and public sectors. And (4) in term to enhance the level of transparency and create the confidence in management, which all 4 variables had the statistical significance at 0.05 (R=0.665, R2+0.443), 4) In the aspect of the quality of public administration of the municipality, it was found that the quality of public administration of the town municipality of Pathum Thani province in overall was at the highest level of 4.64, that the quality of public administration of the municipality had 2 variables that affect the quality development of public administration of the town municipality of Pathum Thani province as follows: (1) the aspect of public participation of people, and (2) the aspect of response to service recipients, with the statistical significance at the level of 0.05, with 99.50%,


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