Buddhism to enhance the quality of life in the community Kham Phee Subdistrict, Nakae District. Nakhon Phanom Province


  • Sirichai Chuatapra Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University


Buddhism, quality of life, Dharma principles


           This research is made to study about the Guidelines for using Buddhism to enhance the quality of life and Study the suggestions for improving the quality of life by using Buddhism of the people in the community Kham Phee Subdistrict, Nakae District. Nakhon Phanom Province. Which is a research study in the form of document research  and field research with indepth interview. The population in the research is people in community Kham Phee Subdistrict, Nakae District. Nakhon Phanom Province. Then analyzed and synthesized in the form of descriptive reports, analysis which the study found that people know and apply Buddhist principles for use as guidelines for enhancing the quality of life which has the way to use Buddhism to enhance the quality of life the most the guidelines for using the 5 precepts are followed by the 4 sublime states of mind , the use of the 4 virtues for a good household life and the 4 Noble Truths and  there are suggestions for improving the quality of life by using Buddhism, 1) Accepting the truth about what is happening to the physical condition. Everyone's health must be like this. It's not just us that are. 2) Psychological and emotional When observing the precepts Listening to Dharma then becomes tolerant, reduces anger, greed, grows consciousness, listens to Dharma, helps society. Believe in the law of karma, do good, get good, do bad, get bad, don't be careless, let go. 3) Create good relationships in the family and society. Helps to be optimistic, understanding, sympathetic, and respecting one another. Can resolve problems and conflicts Know about giving generosity with each other helps to live happily together in society and 4) Can solve economic and income problems Do not underestimate the expense of property live a sufficient life reduce the costs associated with various vices.


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