Sufficiency Economy Philosophy and the Result of Local Development in Kaeng Kae Sub District Kosum Phisai District, Maha Sarakham Province


  • siriruk kachayuth Program in Public and Private Management, Faculty of Public Administration, Rajabhat MahaSarakham University
  • Watcharin Sutthisai Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University
  • Sitthiporn Soonthorn Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University


Local Development, The Result of Local development, Sufficiency Economy


         The purposes of this research were 1) to study the level of the sufficiency economy and the result of the local development, 2) to study the level result of the local development, 3) to study the relation of the sufficiency economy and the result of the local development, and 4) to study the suggestions for used promoting of the sufficiency economy and the result of the local development. The samples consisted of 258 heads or representatives of households (person). The statistical analysis were frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation , statistical hypothesis testing, Pearson correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis by Stepwise method at the statistical significance level of .01. The research findings were 1) the overall level of the sufficiency economy used for local developing was at the medium point, 2) the result of the local developing was at the medium point, 3) the overall relation of the sufficiency economy and the result of the local development was at the high point, the predictive power of the relation between the variables of the sufficiency economy in local development in Kaeng Kae Sub District Kosum Phisai District, Maha Sarakham Province was 71.50%, the aspect of the new theory of agriculture with the concept of 3 rings and 2 conditions had the influence to the local development at result of 0.715 and the F value was 319.938 which had statistical significance at the level of .01, and 4) the suggestions for supporting the sufficiency economy and result of the local development found that community members should be economical important thing. The obstacles that the community should be solved are the waste in the public community and the community should manage the natural resources properly. Therefore, the success conditions that enable community to develop effectively are the unity, and generousness. The community members should also think, make decisions, and analyze data for finding community problems together.


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