Development of a relationship model of organizational support factors. Affecting adoption of digital marketing Membership of community enterprise in Bangkok


  • Nipitpholt Sanitlou Faculty of Business Administration, Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology


Organizational support, Digital marketing, Causal Model


            This research objectives were 1) to develop a causal relationship model illustrating the effects of organization support on adoption of digital marketing mediated through technology ability, utility perception and easy perception of community member enterprise in Bangkok 2) to validate the conformance between empirical evidence and the model; and 3) to examine the effect size of factors affecting adoption of digital marketing. The sample was composed of 590 people. The sample was selected by stratified random sampling. The research instruments were questionnaires on organizational support, technology ability, utility perception and easy perception which had the reliability coefficients between 0.807 to 0.921. Data analysis was executed with descriptive statistics and assessment of validity of the causal relationship model between organizational support and digital marketing adoption through statistical software.
            Significant finding could be summarized as follows: The causal relationship model illustrating the effects of organizational support on digital marketing adoption mediated through technology ability, utility perception, and easy perception of community enterprise in bangkok. The validity assessment of the causal relationship model, conformed to the empirical evidence (χ 2 = 45.22; df = 35; p = . 115; GFI = .984; AGFI = .96; RMR = 0.022) , whereas the variables in the causal relationship model explained 65% of the variance of digital marketing adoption. The support variables from the organization had the maximum influence size of .62 and the direct influence variable was perceived ease, followed by perceived benefits. Administrators should support the organization to increase the capacity and operational capacity of digital marketing applications. Competing in the future channel expansion expanding customer base to become a strong enterprise community enterprise.


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