The Marketing Mix and Service of Strategy for Business Image in Suan Phueng Ratchaburi


  • Wichsuda Roiphila


Marketing Mix and Service of Strategy, Resort Suan Phueng


          This research was study The Marketing Mix and Service of Strategy for Business Image in Suan Phueng Ratchaburi. Aims to study the strategies marketing and services for the image of resort business Suan Phueng Ratchaburi and to study Thai tourists who come to Suan Phueng Why choose resort Suan Phueng Ratchaburi. The samples were Thai tourists travelling to Suan Phueng Ratchaburi using 400 Specific Random Techniques. The instruments used in this study were a questionnaire. The statistics used were Percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and One Way ANOVA.
           The research found that Most of the samples were mostly female, aged 26 to 35 years. At the Bachelor degree income 10,000-20,000 bath. Thai tourists travelling to Suan Phueng Ratchaburi Varoius aspects 1. Product Accommodation is comfortable to travelling to Suan Phueng Ratchaburi have the highest average. 2. Price Accomemodation is appropriate for price and sevice quality have the highest average. 3. Place Booking Service through the internet have the highest average. 4. Promotion Discount for customer the low season have the highest average. 5. People have a good relationship and communication with customers effective have the highest average. 6. Physical Evidence Accommodation is wide enough to use the service have the highest average. 7. Process welcoming and greeting the guests have the highest average.

Author Biography

Wichsuda Roiphila

Faculty of Liberal Arts Bangkok Thonburi University


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