
  • Tawatchai Ngamlert Master of Laws Program Law field Sripatum University
  • Rungsaeng Kittayapong Master of Laws Program Law field Sripatum University
  • Kanidtha Suksawat Master of Laws Program Law field Sripatum University
  • Siwaporn Saowakon Master of Laws Program, Law field, Sripatum University


Mass media, Violation of rights, Legal measures in criminal


         Due to the fact that advanced technology nowadays enables people receive information swiftly within short period of time; meanwhile, people are able to know up-to-date news and situations in relation to economic system, political system and social system. Such receipts of those information which are not only domestically but also from all over the world depend on what issues sender of information induces people to know. Hence, mass media collecting and presenting news and information reflect various facts in them but if contents or sources of them are distorted, direct effects certainly arise to receiver of information. A major problem is where news presentation violates personal rights of any person in news regardless of how effect is caused to any person in news i.e. presenting about relatives of the person in news without necessity, exposure of face or character of the person in news without his or her consent merely based on an aim to draw public attention unethically from receiver of information.  This research aims at studying problems of measures of criminal deterrence to be in force to mass media, penalty of fine where any mass media violates personal rights in compliance with current society circumstances and seeking for solving of such problems

            The research finds that Section 40 of the Broadcasting and Television Businesses Act B.E. 2551 (2008) provides remedial measures for damaged persons where mass media air falsely or violate personal rights but does not provide deterrence measure and criminal measure to be applicable concretely to mass media except only a criminal measure leading to prosecution against mass media who defame damaged person under Penal Code. The research finds related laws of foreign countries i.e. United States of America, United Kingdom, Japan and Federal Republic of Germany provide the deterrence means against mass media presenting information in violation of personal rights that are inclusive and appropriate to current social condition.

             So,the researcher suggests an establishment of a central organization to be the mass media professional. The researcher also suggests “a bill of the Mass Media Deterrence in Violation of Personal Rights B.E….”


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น้ำฝน โพธิ์ปลอด. (2562).มาตรการทางกฎหมายอาญาเกี่ยวกับการโฆษณาสินค้าที่เกินความจริง. วิทยานิพนธ์นิติศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต,คณะนิติศาสตร์,มหาวิทยาลัยศรีปทุม

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Communications Act 2003 .สืบค้น 24 กุมภาพันธ์ 2563 จาก

The Constitution of the United States .สืบค้น 24 กุมภาพันธ์ 2563 จาก

Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany .สืบค้น 24 กุมภาพันธ์ 2563 จาก






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