Participatory Communication of State Enterprise Union Leaders in Working with the Federation of Thai Enterprise Workers' Confederation.


  • Charuwan Kamolsin Faculty of Administration and Management (Management). Chaopraya University
  • Chiranun Kamolsin Faculty of Administration and Management (Management). Chaopraya University
  • Boonyarit Cholvitee Faculty of Administration and Management (Management). Chaopraya University


Participatory Communication, State Enterprise Union Leaders, Federation of Thai Enterprise Workers' Confederation


The objectives of this research are as follows: 1) to study the communication condition of cooperative state enterprise union leaders in working with the State Enterprise Workers' Confederation. 2) to study the factors related to the cooperative communication of the leaders of state enterprise unions in working with the state enterprise labor union. 3) To study the problems and suggestions regarding the solution of the participatory communication of Chairman of the State Enterprise Workers Union working with the State Enterprise Workers Union.

             This research is qualitative research. With in-depth interviews with 5 key informants based on the criteria which are Being the president of the State Enterprise Workers Union for at least 1 term, research instruments Is the in-depth interview Data analysis using content analysis methods             The results of the research are arranged according to the objectives as follows: 1) The level of participatory communication of the state enterprise union leaders in working with the state enterprise labor union. 1.1) Participation in compliance with the resolutions of the Executive Committee of the State Enterprise Workers' Confederation The results of the research showed that The leader of the state enterprise union is involved in the implementation of the executive committee resolution. Paying membership fees is considered a regulation which must be implemented in accordance with the resolution. Members are brought to participate in activities according to the resolution of SorSor. And have to sacrifice their time to come to work with the federation. 1.2) Participation in expressing opinions at the meeting of the Executive Committee of the State Enterprise Workers' Conflict. The results of the research showed that The leader of the state enterprise union participated in giving opinions according to the resolution from the meeting of their labor union. There are comments on how to pay Membership fee on time Have decisions and bring members to join the activity And participate in setting rules on working hours. 1.3) Participation in the planning or policy setting at the meeting of the Executive Committee of the State Enterprise Workers' Conflict The leaders of the state enterprise union participated in the formulation of the SorChor policy. Participate in setting guidelines for collecting membership fees. And participate in establishing agreements with affiliated organizations             2) Factors related to cooperative communication of leaders of state enterprise union in working with state enterprise labor union. 2.1 The suffering that affects the decision to participate in various activities of the State Enterprise Workers' Confederation Including the suffering from the government policy. And suffering from exploitation of employers. 2.2 The dissatisfaction that affects the decision to participate in various activities of the State Enterprise Workers' Confederation, such as the state enterprise administration policy And unclear communication regarding the protection of interests for members.  2.3 The common desire of the central committee to change the member organization of the State Enterprise Workers' Confederation is to improve the welfare of state enterprise employees. And non-privatization.             3) Problems and recommendations for solving problems related to cooperative communication of leaders of state enterprise union in working with state enterprise labor union The results of the research showed that the main problem is the lack of communication from the MPC to member organizations. The solution to the problem is the creation of participatory communication in various ways. 


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