The exercise of legal authority in good faith.


  • Kumpol Wantha Lecturer, Master of Law Program Nakhon Ratchasima College.
  • Adul Tanarach Lecturer, Master of Law Program Khon Kaen University Nong Khai Campus.
  • Bandit Khwayota Lecturer, Master of Law Program Khon Kaen University Nong Khai Campus
  • Pherm Luangkaew Lecturer, Master of Law Program Khon Kaen University Nong Khai Campus


Mandatory Power, Laws, principle of honesty


This article aims to study the exercise of legal authority in good faith of the administrative authority of the supervisor. It is often seen as acting for their own interests or those who lack good governance or even act in violation of the law. The law has given the authority to each ruling party, which has established two guidelines for the use of power of the ruling party, namely the Mandatory Power and discretionary powers, each of which is different, with the authority bound to be imposed for the ruling party. Those who have the authority to act or not act or refrain from acting, and the discretion is the authority that the ruling party can choose to exercise its authority on the basis of the facts and the law. In order to exercise both powers, whether it's the rule of the ruling party, Interpretation of the ruling law, including the administrative order, must be done under the principle of honesty only.


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