Local Tourism Food Marketing Strategy with Water Chestnut and vegetables safe as an ingredient By the participation process Si Prachan District Suphanburi Province For Thai tourists


  • Junphen Wannarak Faculty of Business Administration and Information Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi
  • Patipol Homyamyen Faculty of Business Administration and Information Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi
  • Thititana Trisit Faculty of Business Administration and Information Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi
  • Prach Puangnkern Faculty of Business Administration and Information Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi


Local food with water Chestnut and safe vegetables, Community participation and role, Strategic planning in Marketing, Tourism behavior on Local food


The objectives of this study are 1) to study tourism contexts of local food with plant identity.  Water  chestnuts  and  vegetables  in  Si  Prachan  district.  2)  To  study  the  behavior  of Thai tourists in the local food tourism of Suphanburi Province 3) To assess the participation and role of the community in the planning of local food marketing strategies 4) To propose marketing strategies Local food tour through participation process in Suphanburi Province for Thai tourists.

This research is a mixed methodology research. There is both a quantitative research and a qualitative research. The quantitative research is a study of the behavior of Thai tourists in local food tourism in Suphanburi Province. A probability-free sampling was performed using 392 coincidence random sampling methods. A questionnaire was used as a research tool. The data were analyzed by statistics of percentage, mean and standard deviation. The qualitative data collection was through participatory observation. Informal interview And brainstorming Which sample group It consists of government agencies, community leaders, farmers who grow Water Chesnut and safe  vegetables.  The  selection  of  informants  was  carried  out  by consultation  with  the  Agriculture  Sheriff  of  the  Community  Development  District  and  the community  leaders  in  Si  Prachan  District.  Brainstorming  operator  It  consists  of  a  group  of  4 researchers who conduct a discussion (Moderator) who have high knowledge, expertise and experience. Use the Interview guide as a brainstorming tool and record information from start to finish.  After  the  data  is  collected  Data  processing  by  Categorize  data  And  translate  the information into concepts to compose according to the principles of content analysis.

The results of the research showed that 1) Table food in Si Prachan District is not unlike any other traditional food and there are few that have water chestnuts and vegetables from the  market  as  part  of  the  route.  In the area, there are two types of tourism activities: agricultural tourism and OTOP village tourism. 2) The behavior of tourists is mostly female, under the age of 30, has a bachelor's degree. Have a career in government service and state enterprises, single status, residing in Suphanburi province Most of them visit with family And destination at Sam Chuk Hundred Years Market They have a one day tour plan that costs less than 3,000 baht.  Most of them pay for food and beverages. Before you travel, do some research on the Internet by looking for travel reviews from people who have traveled to this place. Does not stay overnight Travel by car / private car Choose to eat at It is a unique local food of that tourist attraction.  And  like  food  made  from  vegetables  in  the  kitchen  garden where  the  villagers  grow  They  were  interested  in  participating  in  cooking  activities  with frustration  as  an  ingredient  in  a  participatory  form,  from  planting,  harvesting  to  cooking  of frustration.  3)  Community  involvement  and  role  in  planning  marketing  strategies  The community has increased participation and knowledge in marketing planning4) The strategies presented in this time consist of 1) "This menu must try: single deck, can travel throughout Sri Prachan" 2) "Same story, Sriprachan is safe" strategy 3) " Take me to Sriprajan.”

This study suggested that 1) the strategy can be  effectively implementedSripachan Sheriff, Local Chief And the relevant departments should focus and implement this strategy, As appropriate Will be able to increase the number of tourists in the area 2) To operate in an area  to  be  successful,  it  mayrequire  community  leaders  and  all  stakeholders  to  create  a common image that is to develop the area as a food tourism destination. 3) The stakeholders should apply the plan to the proposed budget to be used to drive the implementation of the planned strategy will lead to job creation and raise the income of the community.


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