
  • Patipol Homyamyen Faculty of Business Administration and Information Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi
  • Junphen Wannarak Faculty of Business Administration and Information Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi
  • Pongtep Phudeat Faculty of Business Administration and Information Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi
  • Sirion Sonong Faculty of Business Administration and Information Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi


The Development of Logistics Model, Farmers Producing Safe Farmers


            SuphanBuri Province focuses on the development of the agricultural sector by strengthening and strengthening the agricultural production base. Raise the level of agricultural and food production to the standard and safety system. Able to meet the needs of the market to be accepted internationally Which is in line with the policy of Thailand 4.0 That wants to change the economy to a "Value-Based Economy" or economy that is driven by innovation Must change from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture that focuses on management and technology (Smart Farming), which farmers have to become richer. And being a farmer as an entrepreneur (Entrepreneur)

             SuphanBuri Province Is an area that has expanded production base of vegetables from the original production That encounter various problems such as farmers who grow vegetables in the trade area Bang Bua Thong District, Bang Yai District, Nonthaburi Province Causing farmers in those areas to relocate vegetable production bases To grow in SuphanBuri province more With farmers in SuphanBuri Province The vegetables are grown in many areas because of the appropriate environment. With appropriate irrigation water and near the market, convenient transportation Making vegetables from SuphanBuri Province Is a quality vegetable with freshness, many vegetables are grown At the same time, random sampling of pesticide residues in fresh vegetables in the market and many supermarkets by the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, found that many pesticide residues in vegetables exceeded the limit Even in vegetables that have been certified as safe vegetables, many pesticides have been found as well.            
             Farmers have chosen the format Cooperation of farmers in the supply chain to track products (Directing) in collaboration with members within the organic vegetable supply chain. To track the product and returning products from standardized production sources By using QR Code and Bar Code technology to control, monitor and maintain the quality of non-toxic vegetables            
             The main advantage of QR Code is that the versatility of QR codes can be used for anything and everything. Farmers groups are also useful for customers and businesses. It saves money and advertising costs by distributing QR codes to farmer websites or URLs. Customers can scan this QR code and help them to store information for future reference. There is still more. QR Code regarding QR codes that farmers can bridge in different forms of marketing together.


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