Myanmar migrant workers: Situation and Life Quality of income, Case study of Nakhon Si Thammarat Province.


  • Daycho Khanamkhaew Program in Community Development, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University


Life Quality of income, Myanmar migrant workers


       This research aimed to study (1) Situation of income of Myanmar migrant workers in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. (2) Life Quality of income of Myanmar migrant workers in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. Mixed methods, qualitative information from in-depth interviews with 21 key purposive informants; Myanmar migrant workers, Thai friends, employers and government officers were also used to voice their views. Quantitative, Questionnaires were used to collect data from 350 Myanmar migrant workers. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The research results showed that: (1) Situation of income of Myanmar migrant workers in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province; income from working as a daily labor, income from part-time work, special income from general employment, such as Contracting for palm cutting and hire house cleaning, income from the trade by opening a small grocery store to sell products such as Thanaka, orchids, orchids, vegetables, fish in the local area. There is also waste separation for sale, earning money to secure financial for Myanmar migrant workers and family in the future, such as sending to parents to build a house, buy land, buy rubber plantations or spend when necessary. (2) Life Quality of income of Myanmar migrant workers in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province; Moderate level ( x̄= 3.44, S.D. = 0.72)


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