
  • Nutcha Ravinonthakit Graduate college of management Sripatum university


factor, efficiency, early childhood schools


          This research aimed to (1) study the level of efficiency and effectiveness in the administration of private early childhood schools. And effectiveness in the administration of private early childhood schools (3) presented guidelines for the management of private early childhood schools. The research method was used as a mixed method. The research was conducted in three phases, i.e., phase 1 to study the level of efficiency. And the effectiveness of private early childhood school administration by studying the concept Related theories To create a questionnaire The population consisted of administrators, teachers and educational personnel of private early childhood schools who passed the quality assessment outside of early childhood education institutions under the Office of the Private Education Commission for the third round. The sample group was 378 administrators, teachers, and educational personnel of private early childhood schools. People by multi-step sample selection and simple randomness. Phase 2 analyzes the performance components And effectiveness in the administration of private early childhood schools Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage and survey components. Phase 3 presented guidelines for the management of private early childhood schools. Using information from Phase 1 and Phase 2 together with information from interviews with 10 experts to formulate guidelines. The research study found that

  1. Level of efficiency and the level of effectiveness in the administration of private early childhood schools Overall, it is at a high level = 4.19 and = 3.95.
  2. The performance survey element had a statistically significant value at the level of 0.000 (p <.001). In addition, the Kaiser-Mayer-Olkin Measures of Sampling Adequacy KMO was the value. Equal to 0.941 found that the number of 4 components: academic administration Budget management Personnel Management and general administration

     Effectiveness Survey Components In addition, the Kaiser-Mayer-Olkin Measures of Sampling Adequacy KMO index was 0.879 and found that 3 the elements are the quality of the child. Administrative and management processes and providing child-centered experiences

  1. Guidelines for the management of private early childhood schools: efficiency consists of 10 approaches and the effectiveness consists of 9 approaches.


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