Knowledge and behavior of secondary school students Against the prevention of Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)


  • Mingkwan Sirichote Expert Level Teachers (K 4 Teachers) Health education Nawaminthrachinuthit Triamudomsuksanomklao School


Knowledge prevention of Coronavirus 2019 (covid-19), Behaviors Prevention of COVID-19 (covid-19)


              The epidemic of coronavirus 2019 (covid-19) is causing people around the world to be very worried about their health. There are various sources of education to protect oneself, family, and community, especially educational institutions to provide more knowledge to prevent transmission of disease. The teachers play a very important role in this regard. Providing accurate information on the COVID-19 especially for high school students that are getting into adulthood as they will learn to accept the changes and know how to take care of themselves. For this, it's important to plan the education properly in order to a reduce students' fears and anxiety that helps to encourage students to have the ability to cope with the effects of this situation that may occur in the life of the students. Teaching how to maintain social distancing especially practicing good hygiene habits, such as coughing or sneezing with mouths covered, washing your hands with soap or hand sanitizer, and wearing a surgical mask to prevent the spread and transmission of disease. All subjects taught should provide knowledge that is related to disease prevention, for example science subject may contain the content about various viruses, transmission of diseases and the importance of vaccination. Social studies subject may highlight the story of the pandemic in history and the evolution of public health and safety policies in order to help students acquire knowledge and behavior in disease prevention.


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