The Service Performance Assessment of Passenger Transport Staff : A Case Study of Bangkok Bus Terminal (Ekkamai)


  • Wimonwan Songsiriyot Bachelor of Business Administration Logistics Management Southeast Bangkok College


Evaluate efficiency, Passenger transportation, Decision to choose service


           The purpose of this research is 1) to evaluate the effectiveness of staff service passenger transport bus terminal, Bangkok (identical) 2) the result. Application for the service effectiveness. In the service of passenger transport station staff of Bangkok. (identical) survey research (Survey Research) research group. By sampling method was Accidental Sampling) is selected by the simple Justin You try samples as soon as possible as there is or has been cooperation. Examples are the case to or are willing to cooperate or are in place or fall according to the number that such conditions The 400 people from the results of this study indicated that / process, service process. The results indicated that the level of job satisfaction. Bus priority. To provide anterior-posterior as equals, levels of satisfaction

(x̄=3.86, S.D=0.89) environment inside the station also automation on the ticket. The cabins and pay the fare with the technology level of satisfaction with (x̄=3.75,S.D=0.51) the speed of service of staff mainly. Inside the bus terminal A point of service and receive complaints from customers who used the service, satisfaction levels (x̄=3.62,S.D=0.85)ด้าน staff service employees. Serve with equality, non-discrimination, satisfaction levels (x̄=3.60,S.D=0.83) the building site (place) area within the building housing the discs. The ดยส adequate to customers who contact the satisfaction level (x̄=3.80,S.D=0.40) the Volpe has received advice service and. Communicating clearly the level of satisfaction (x̄=3.81,S.D=0.81) the job performance of knowledge employees Clarity of the information to customers, satisfaction level (x̄=3.46,S.D=0.86) human relations, cooperation between pages. Of the staff as well. The level of satisfaction (x̄=3.80,S.D=0.40) in the correct working staff has the intention to practice and aqua Liability, clearly, the level of satisfaction (x̄=4.11,S.D=0.71).


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