Motivation and Business Strategies: Success Story from Steel and Building Materials Entrepreneur


  • Vittaya Namsao Faculty of Management Science, Dhonburi Rajabhat University
  • Jirapong Ruanggoon Faculty of Management Science, Dhonburi Rajabhat University


Entrepreneur, Steel and Building Materials Business, Narrative Research


          The objectives of this research were 1) to study the motivation of successful steel and building materials entrepreneur and 2) to find the strategies for the successful of the steel and building materials business. The researcher used qualitative research, according to narrative research approach. Data were gathered through in-depth interviews; the key informant was Mr. Trong Sriworawet, together with non-participant observation, and documents study. Data were analyzed by content analysis. The results found that the motivation for doing business in steel and construction materials were those of the need for life security, the motivation based on the expectations of others, and the motivation to added benefit for society. Strategies for successful entrepreneurship in steel and building materials business include risk management strategies, marketing strategy, and human resource strategies.


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