The Development of Digital Video on Augmented Reality With 5s Process Learning to Creative Product for Teachers


  • Suwichada Homchampa Kasetsart University


digital video, , augmented reality, 5S process learning


            The study purposes were 1) to develop digital video on augmented reality technology with 5S process learning for teachers to the quality 2) to study on learning achievement of digital video with 5S process learning compared to teachers’ pre-test        3) to develop teachers’ ability to create product with augmented reality technology and 4) teacher’s satisfaction towards digital video with 5S process Learning.  The population of the study is consisted of 12 teachers from Wattoomhoo School. The research instruments were 1) lesson plans, 2) the development of digital video on augmented reality with 5S process learning to creative product for teachers, 3) evaluation forms of content and media production by experts, 4) Pre-test and post-test of learning achievement from digital video with 5S process learning, 5) Evaluation of competency to create product with augmented reality technology and 6) questionnaire of teachers’ satisfaction towards digital video with 5S process learning. Statistics used for data analysis were average, standard deviations and the Wilcoxon signed ranks test.

             The results shown that 1) the result of the develop digital video on augmented reality technology with 5S process learning to creative product for teachers has good quality, 2) The pre-test and post-test of learning achievement from digital video with 5S process show significant difference between pre-test and post-test at .05, 3) Evaluation of competency to create product with augmented reality technology shows excellent result and 4) teachers’ satisfaction towards digital video on augmented reality technology with 5S process learning was in high level.


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