Medical Personals Staffing in Primary Care Cluster of Lampang Provincial Health Office


  • Sarunya Intachua Plan and Policy Analyst, Professional Level, Lampang Provincial Health Office


Medical personnel staffing, Primary care cluster


        Background: The primary care cluster was established due to the increased workload of the medical personnel beyond their assigned duties, to effectively manage the limited resources. The project has been implemented on medical personnel staffing in order to plan and determine sufficient number of medical personnel to serve both the primary care cluster project and their regular duties. This is to provide the local residents with the efficient services and to respond to their needs regarding a comprehensive access to the health service system

        Methodology: This study was a documentary Research which was content analysis research aiming to acquire the lesson learned from the medical personnel staffing in Primary Care Clusters of Lampang Provincial Public Health Office by using its secondary data regarding the workload of 60 Lampang Primary Care Clusters.

        Result: The results revealed that the staffing guideline of Lampang Provincial Public Health Office Primary Care Clusters included (1) Seamless and smart PCU-NPCU staffing, (2) 2 P Safety or Patient & Personal safety which was the guideline to developing the health service system concerning both service recipients and devoting staff in order to develop valuable system and the residents’ well-being according to the policy of the Ministry of Public Health, (3) arrangement of career path, and (4) good communicating skills reflecting the teamwork among interdisciplinary staff in the Primary Care Clusters.

        Conclusion: Lampang Provincial Health Office solved the problem of personnel shortage in Primary Care Cluster by encouraging personnel to perform the duties in a sustainable manner under the support of human resources, budget and resources.





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