
  • Praewa Saithai College of Music, Mahidol University
  • Preeyanun Promsukkul College of Music, Mahidol University
  • Dhanyaporn Phothikawin College of Music, Mahidol University


Suzuki Approach; Violin; Development Guideline


        This document is a qualitative research. The research’s aims were: 1) to study the current state and problems faced in violin teaching based on the Suzuki approach and 2) to present potential solutions and suggested guidelines for violin teaching based on the Suzuki approach. A total of sixteen subjects, consisting of ten Suzuki qualified violin teachers, three Suzuki parents and three Suzuki students, were recruited via purposeful sampling. Data were gathered using semi-structured interviews and non-participation observation, and analyzed using descriptive analysis method.

        The results of the first part show that the current state and problems of violin teaching include: 1) Teacher – most Suzuki violin teachers graduated with a degree in music, have moderate to very good music playing skills, knowledge of music theory and good vocal skills, participate in trainings regularly, create a learning environment, cooperate with parents, and have good personality. 2) Students – there are many young students nowadays. Parents and teachers involve in motivating students. Most students do not practice enough. 3) Violin teaching – teachers provide violin teaching systematically according to the training guidelines and by applying other teaching approaches. The note reading teaching according to Suzuki approach causes problems in most students but not in students studying along with other instruments. Students with more experience or older are not likely interested in group learning, and teachers assess the results based on the actual condition. 4) Learning environment – teachers properly organize a classroom environment; each individual environment is different. According to the results of the second part, potential solutions are that: 1) Teacher – the Thailand Association of Talent Education and affiliated School should provide grants to teachers for a discount on the training fee, promote and encourage teachers to participate in the training for applying teaching approaches align with Suzuki philosophy.2) Students – teachers and parents should consider the goals and readiness of students for more encouragement to practice and study in the classroom.3) Violin teaching – teachers should begin teaching note reading early, make teaching approaches more interesting, properly arrange students in group classes according to the book level.4)Learning environment – the school should set up a class schedule properly, by considering disturbance sound and classroom size based on the number of students.


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