The Adaptation Of The Piphat Mon In Ratchaburi Province In The Context Of Contemporary Thai Society


  • Dhanyaporn Phothikawin College of Music Mahidol University


PIphat mon, adaption


             The purposes of this research study are 1) to study the history and development of the PIphat mon in Ratchaburi Province and 2) to investigate the adaptation of the piphat mon in ratchaburi province in the context of contemporary thai society. This study is a qualitative study. The researcher(s) interviewed and collect the data from the interviewees who were the informants about the history and development. Then, the adaptions were studied. The results were presented descriptively and analytically.

            The results were as follows. 1) Regarding the history, it was found that the history might be related to PIphat mon in Samut Songkhram Province according to the assumptions of the musicians in the Ratchaburi province. PIphat mon has been inherited by the musician who were the role models transferring and inheriting the musical knowledge. The musician was Kru Ruam Phromburi. He was a famous musician in the musical history of Ratchaburi Province.

            2) The factors of the adaptions of the PIphat mon in Ratchaburi Province were as follows: 2.1) the internal factors including the transfers and inheritances, 2.2) the external factors including 2.2.1) the social and cultural factors about the traditional roles and rituals as well as the adoptions of the modern musical cultures, 2.2.2) the educational factors, 2.2.3) the economic factors about the business competitions and the employment of musicians, and 2.2.4) the technological factors. These were the factors of the adaptions of the PIphat mon in the province with the contemporary contexts as follows: 1) the adaptions about transferring the knowledge from the speakers or wisdom teachers; 2) the adaptions about the social and cultural contexts; 3) the adaptions about the marketing and public relations; 4) the adaptions about the forms of the performances, the applications of the musical instruments and sound systems, and the behaviors of the musicians; and 5) the adaptions about the songs.

Author Biography

Dhanyaporn Phothikawin, College of Music Mahidol University

วิทยาลัยดุริยางคศิลป์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล


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