Analysis of aesthetics in Buddha image sculpture according to the identity of the artisan of Kamphaeng Phet.


  • Wanassanan Nutchanart Faculty of Humanities and Social Science. Kamphaeng Phet Rajabhat University


Buddha image sculpture, the artisan of Kamphaeng Phet


          This research has the following objectives: 1) to study the history and characteristics of Buddha images according to the identity of the Kamphaeng Phet fine arts artist.  2) to study the artistic value of Buddha images according to the identity of the Kamphaeng Phet artisan. This research is qualitative research by using in-depth interviews with 6 key informants using specific selection methods considering from the criteria that is knowledgeable, expertise in art and Buddhism. The instrument used in the research was an interview form. Data was analyzed by content analysis.

         The results of the research showed that The construction of the Kamphaeng Phet artisanal Buddha image was carried out in the late 20th to mid-21st century, beginning with the use of Sukhothai art as a model and adapting to their own unique characteristics. The Buddhist characteristics are strong, but less beautiful than Sukhothai. The distinctive Buddha statue of Kamphaeng Phet mechanic will have three legs or table legs. In addition, the face of the Buddha statue is a triangular shape, wide forehead and pointed chin. Kamphaeng Phet mechanics have various Buddha images. Many, but known as the wide right is the posture of Pang Kampang Leela. The creation of Buddha images, in addition to representing the faith of the Lord Buddha, is also associated with the Buddhist morals. Such as self-defeating doing good will be good, doing evil will beevil etc. In addition, it is embedded with faith in perseverance and the belief in possession will also flourish with wealth as well.


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