Factors in Enhancing Income of Okra Agriculturalists: A Case Study of Baan Sri Prom Kuan Subdistrict Pong District Phayao Province


  • Niphon Hernsook Faculty of Business Administration Thongsuk College
  • Attapon Lasomboon Pacific Institute of Management Science
  • Sittidad Apinon Pacific Institute of Management Science
  • Chinnawat Teeraphatpornchai Pacific Institute of Management Science
  • Pakawan Intar Pacific Institute of Management Science


Okra, Marketing Mix, Pong District, Phayao


        The study aims to investigate 1) variable factors in enhancing income, 2) relative factors in marketing mix and 3) earning ways of Okra growers in Pong district, Phayao. The sampling groups were the 35 members of Okra planters in Ban Sriporm. Questionnaires were mainly used in collecting data. Percentage, Means, Standard Deviation, T-test, F-test and One-Way Anova areapplied to analyze the data.

        It is found that there is significant result showing that the relation between income earning and the studied factors is at a high rate in all aspects. The most effective factor is the product itself, followed by price, promotion, marketing place and marketing procure respectively. In terms of marketing mix classified by basic individual, it shows that there is no significant factor in genders and educational degree relating to planting Okra, but ages at 0.5 significantly. For marketing mix, product quality, price, marketing place, promotion and process are the main factors in supporting economic of the Okra growers’ family at 82.1 %,59.3,% 83.6%, 80% and   45.1% respectively.

        In order to saving Okra planting cost and strengthening income, agriculturalists suggest no use of chemical fertilizer but organic fertilizer instead. Government sectors should play an important role in supporting them in valuing Okra product and the district would be a center of knowledge distribution in the future.



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