Human Resource Development in Promoting Morality and Ethics of Wat Arun Ratchawararam Rajaworavihars, Bangkok Yai District, Bangkok Metroplis


  • Phrakruwinaithon Udomchai Ouyporn Faculty of Political Science, Bangkok Thonburi University
  • Satit Niyomyaht Faculty of Political Science, Bangkok Thonburi University


Effectiveness, Human Resource Development, Morality and Ethics


          This research has 3 research objectives: (1) to study the effectiveness of human resource development for promoting morality and ethics (2) to study methods of various activities to promote morality and ethics and (3) to provide suggestions for raising the effectiveness of human resource development on moral and ethical promotion. This research is qualitative research, the information required for research is obtained from the relevant documents. Participatory observations and in-depth interviews with 20 people and the priests with high knowledge and experience were deliberately chosen, for the benefit of in-depth interviews. The data collected from 3 sources were analyzed using content analysis and descriptive lectures.
           The research results were found that the effectiveness of human resource development was found that       (1) knowledge, skills, and morality were created. There is a collaboration between agencies, to develop human resources to have knowledge and virtue (2) to carry out activities to promote morality, ethics, morals, training, ethical behavior Monks are very strict. About how to behave in accordance with Buddhist precepts the monks have treated themselves as an example of the novice and the subordinates, behaving in the rules of meditation, and training in the establishment of peace of mind is very important. Trained priests have good mental or emotional control and perform their duties with a stable mind and wisdom. It is about the law of karma, doing well, doing bad, doing evil. Problem solved in performing their duties with the knowledge of the current conditions and work using the principles of the reason (3) recommend training for the monks to organize activities. In which the new monks have adapted to including talking and teaching about teaching monks to demonstrate the importance and benefits of the Dharma





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