Causal Factors and Measures to Prevent Recidivism Among Inmates Convicted of Property Crimes: A Case Study of Pathum Thani Provincial Prison


  • Worrapaphat Munya Faculty of Criminology and Justice Administration, Rangsit University
  • Suppakorn Poonyarith Faculty of Criminology and Justice Administration, Rangsit University


Causal Factors and Preventive Measures, Recidivism, Inmates Convicted of Property Crimes


         This research consists of three objectives. The first objective is to examine causal factors and motives for recidivism among inmates convicted of property crimes. The second objective is to explore behavioural rehabilitation approach and legal measures to prevent recidivism among inmates convicted of property crimes. The final objective aims to propose measures to prevent recidivism among inmates convicted of property crimes. Qualitative research methods were employed to collect data, including documentary research and in-depth interviews with 15 key informants. The key informants were comprised of: 1) a group of convicted inmates at the Pathum Thani Provincial Prison, and 2) a group of police officers at Pathum Thani Provincial Police Station. Content analysis was then utilised to analyse collected data and report research findings.

           According to research findings, it was found that Pathum Thani is a province in the vicinity of Bangkok, where social conditions have rapidly changed. The migration from other regions and an increase in migrant labours generated cultural diversity, leading to a new society in which crimes increasingly occurred, particularly a high volume of property crimes. The causal factors and motives for recidivism among inmates convicted of property crimes were categorised into three issues, including 1) economic condition, 2) social condition, and 3) acquaintances. These factors were major and distinct motives for property crime recidivism in Thai society.

          According to behavioural rehabilitation for perpetrators at the moment, only a handful of ex-prisoners were able to apply knowledge and skills from the rehabilitation training programme to their lives. Notably, the most important factors that contributed to their problems in lives after being released included a lack of opportunities for employment, social unacceptance, and prison labelling. These factors led to unemployment and a lack of social commitment among former inmates in society, resulting in more recidivists. Accordingly, the excess of prisoners in penitentiaries had become a serious problem for the criminal justice system in Thailand. Thus, an understanding of underlying causal factors could pave the way for the development of better preventive measures to effectively terminate recidivism among inmates convicted of property crimes.


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